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Argos Stock Checker has found for Elgato 10GAF9901 Green Screen 735/0351 - Sorry, no stock found in the stores below
Item Number | 7350351 |
Description | Elgato 10GAF9901 Green Screen |
Price (at last stock search) | £149.99 (when checked last) |
All price changes within our database | 16/04/2020 | £149.99 | |
Last Price Update: | over 1 week ago |
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Description view/hide |
The creator's canvas. A rocksteady solution optimized for camera chroma keying, Green Screen sets the stage for truly immersive broadcasting in a matter of seconds. Instant immersion. Ideal for even the tightest of workspaces, Green Screen guarantees a wrinkle-resistant, chroma-green surface. All you need to do is turn on some lights, take a seat, and work your creative magic. Manufacturer's 2 year guarantee. More DetailsLoading interface. . . Loading interface. . .
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